For a limited period the Veiled Market is offering an introductory Free Import Service to offer to new sellers who are moving from Etsy or Woocommerce.
The worst part of opening a new online store is having to type all your product details into the system and upload all your photos, if you already have an Etsy or Woocommerce store we can help you with an import.
This will save days of entering your products as we can upload all your products from either an Etsy or Woocommerce backup, usually this costs £10, but is currently on a special free offer.
Once you have checked out the import service you will receive an email within 5 working days from a representative of the Veiled Market giving you instructions on how to send us your csv import file. You MUST register as a trader BEFORE buying this product as we need a shop to import your products into.
Limitations and Terms and Conditions
Please note that the upload only includes product name, description, image, price, and variations. Categories and variation pricing are not supported and must be added manually by the trader themselves after the upload. This service only applies to your first import, it is too time intensive for us to offer this as a regular update facility. The import is on a best efforts basis, if we cannot import your products for any reason, excluding those listed above we will offer a full and immediate refund. We limit our liability for this service to the fee paid and specifically exclude any consequential losses, expenses or any other costs.