This is made using the oldest recipe for Kyphi found at Edfu.
Made using 16 ingredients to represent the fourfold Universe. Making Kyphi is done in stages, resins and herbs are ground, seeped in red wine, strained, more wine and raisins added.
This is then left in a copper pot for 5 days for the magic to happen, then more resins are added and this is then reduced and then formed into smaller shapes.
This is a sweet smelling incense and is truly beautiful. Traditionally this would be aged for 7 years before use.
This can be used for any Archangelic, Goddess or God working.
Calamus, red wine, raisins, gum arabic, frankincense, white wine, myrrh, mastic, galbanum, date syrup, juniper berries, orris root, aleppo pine resin, benzoin, camphor, sandalwood
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