The Pagan Thinker: Some aspects of Modern Western Paganism
185 pages. Full colour illustrations.
Modern Pagans and Heathens in the UK, Europe and N. America do not need anyone to tell them what to do. There are, however, many accepted ideas within Paganism that are rarely discussed and analysed in depth. As a result, we are in danger of creating an orthodoxy without realising it!
This book seeks out some relevant topics to consider, whether you are an established Pagan, Druid, Heathen, Shaman, Witch or a beginner thinking about your path. It is also of vital interest to the academic trying to understand the rapid changes in the esoteric scene over the last decades: what issues cause distrust or disinterest by Pagans seeking authoritative sources of information?
Amongst the topics are identity, ethics, magic, community, deities and sacred places. Theology, leadership, rituals, symbology and the very future of Paganism are also examined. This should give you something challenging to consider and a way of evaluating the overload of available information and its sources. Without being told what to do or think, you should then be able to make up your own mind.
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